A psychedelic goddess is a divine being who is associated with the psychedelic experience. She is ephemeral and intoxicating to be around. The psychedelic goddess represents the power of the human mind to transcend ordinary reality and experience the divine. She is a reminder that we are all connected to the universe and that we have the potential to tap into our own inner divinity. She is a symbol of our connection to nature and the natural world, wisdom and power, beauty, and grace.
She is the sacred feminine, and the power of the feminine to bring forth new life. She symbolizes enlightenment and the willingness to share her wisdom and power with us. She is mystery and the unknowable nature of the divine. The psychedelic goddess is a powerful and inspiring that reminds us of our own inner divinity and our potential to experience the divine. She is a reminder that we are all connected to the universe and that we are all part of something much larger than ourselves.
You may be wondering, where I got the idea of the Psychedelic Goddess, and I can tell you, it is from this woman pictured right here, my mom. The original Psychedelic Goddess. She is fearless, she is strong, she is beautiful, and she is grace incarnate. She is a muse and the OG Psychedelic Goddess. She is also a human being, just like you and me.
She has allowed me to see that WE ALL ARE PSYCHEDELIC GODDESS. Able to live life loud. We are worthy of being seen and heard.
We are divine in every way shape and form.
We are all Psychedelic Goddesses.
Many flavors of Majesty!